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We have started the Hornet app here and its 20.05.2023 and 21.05.2023

Fashion Editor: Bible

Fashion Editor: Satanic family contents

Fashion Editor: Banter Times and here its just laughter and no one is hurt.

Shows Start Times 02.10 and then 14.10 and 16.10 and 18.10 and 20.10 and 22.10

And as before and here, we have what's leading to climax and each is death of sibling. That's it and Satanic family now will wallow in what are deaths and mourn in public be it in private for they aren't telling when each sibling die.

Yes sick reptile Neil died and the curse intended was that. It was what voodoo god knew and used in curse but on 14.05.2023 and I made his death known and it failed.

You have below and an article I wrote and in aftermath of covid 19 and I was horrified. Voodoo god started to say waves and what wasn't what the Book is about. See the folly of Satanic family for you have what happened when you don't know. I knew what it meant and its spiritually translated and only I can do it. To copy it and now has Pharaoh followed the Israelites for they walked on dried shod.

Yet the Egyptians and quickly ran into troubles and let's get out of here, but its too late and thus voodoo god faced reality of what happened in confrontations and when Benjamin is too intelligent and doesn't say anything, but he must crack open Satanic minds and then its done.

The Shows now can't be deleted and its Benjamin Officially and This is Now my Office Opens and no one can or will close it and no warnings and I act Only.

Opening Hours 06.00 to 22.00 Everyday


The Book and what it has done and the evil ones are unable to tell meaning. I am surprised, but as I watched I know why. The Bible has different meaning to the evil ones and in disputes and conflicts, there is an eternal separation and as I can't help and am very happy, I watch only and yet I see it happen and I don't get involved. I see pride of Babylon melts on screen and the smile can't hide the pain and hurt that I, Benjamin, with nothing ended up dismissing her as nothing and it stands unchallenged and what can she do? Nothing and I don't say anything, but watch silently and I haven't and never told anyone what I know and this has meant I got told things only in the end and it was the evil ones in pursuit of me and triggered their own deaths and Babylon tried to flee but, I was there and successor, Voodoo god, suffered same fate and of that I testify to.

Satanic family and led by Voodoo god and he is led them to their deaths and no one to help them. Well you see Babylon employed them and they did what she told them and because I know that, I can testify to it. I know them too well and they each left DNA easier to trace and it led me to Babylon and I found her alone unaware that her employees failed her. So we had what they did in private and only they knew and it came to expose them. Can you deceive God and those, he leads? Well Babylon said so and followed into the footsteps of her dead ancestors and though they don't exist, she persisted and the most unfortunate person, who fought and failed to have Satan released and upon his death, she vowed to crush God and what is this?

The revulsion and beyond word is what I witnessed only. It wasn't a dispute she needed, but to see it as it was and lies. No! Babylon persisted and 12.04.2011 and I knew the end and 01.05.2011 and there was no going back and she tried to flee, but it was too late as death turned against her as death can't find rest in good people, but evil people and why with them, its eternal deaths.

We have now open confrontations and voodoo god failed and suffered only spiritual death before physical death for physical death when it strikes, it means what happened in life. This is what is different this time. The evil ones' spiritual base doesn't exist. Physical base in the five depended on Satan to save them and he in them to save him and as the fourth cycle of reigns stroke, Satan died and Babylon's gave that testimony and from there, it has been downhill only. 10.12.2010 and Suffolk.

I have the most revulsion for Babylon and evil ones beyond word and she thought she would escape and well she can't and her death spiritual first and from that no help. I can't help and I refused and yet you can't prevent or stop what I do and source of eternal pain, hurt and discomfort. I know the truth and it guides me and unlike you, evil ones guided by lies and outcome deaths.

I don't back off from confrontations and I am confronting voodoo god and results imminent. Yes Its Benjamin now.

When anyone worked, he has to be paid and you didn't and you thought this would escape and NO. You must pay and immediately and what is only to be paid and it was job done and I can't thank you. It can't be negotiated as you calculated and that is because it was agreed and jobs were done, but you didn't pay and now I demand my pay in full. Yet consequences are the same. deaths only for nothing. Yes Benjamin testify against Satanic family.

Can Satan turn against himself and in this case, you have voodoo god having made all decisions and watch as they turn to decay and they fail to understand why. Well its the book and its meaning in the end is death of the evil ones. What it means is meaning of what the evil ones will never understand as their universe is parallel to God's universe and in short, there is one world only and one God created and as God didn't create the five, he doesn't get involved in it.

The best news Babylon can hope for and is waiting for is her own death as in it, she will never exist but at least the suffering ends with it.
Now these people suffer ultimate deaths in what is made public. We have witch former god told what to do by her successor ,god, and then came meaning in scriptures as by revelations, i explained what was pending and Babylon Witch former god caught as expected. Yes and now we have the witch god paraded in public humiliation by her own kind and in not knowing for he couldn't, but for his fate like hers is the same.


Babylon the great set to die: 14.08.2018

Count down to the death of great Babylon and descendant of epic centre of all evil. Babylon the great has assumed title which her ancestors never did have before.

Her ancestors tried and failed to have Satan released. Her efforts were the same and it failed. The task after death of her master was to undo what failed first and then follow it up with what led to death. It was a task like no other and first of its kind and Babylon has failed and successor has as well.

Now it's her own death which is pending.

37 counted as years yes only and which meant Babylon at 40 failed as her 1000 didn't exist. I was there when 1000 boats greeted her and I rejected her offer of a mug 03.06.2012.

03.09.1995 and 6000, I testified to, and what were left were 987 and when it reached 1000, it sunk the spiritual source of evil and had that confirmed by Babylon on 10.12.2010. They were broken. I offered no sympathy but the truth only. It was rejected and what came in message first 24.03.2011 laid trap for me.

I warned them not to, but they went ahead and then revelations as before and 26 came up and then I came back in London.

Events after that arrived at what couldn't be denied or concealed in the end. Death is a choice Babylon made and she will pay for it in full. I give human witness account to events as they have happened only.

In the first Book, we have meaning of the Bible for the first time. It is an explanation of events of the past 9000 years and what is human existence. As I set out to have the book released, I faced Babylon the great in 37 and what she encountered me with and which failed as her ancestors at 37 was death only.

She had nothing left except to wait for her death ultimately. I have no sympathy for her and I wish never to see her ever and which is TRUE. The battle she waged was her own making and her own death in the end.

There is no lesson to learn from this. For the evil ones it is eternally too late. The Crown, Economic, Religious, Political and Social systems have gone down with death of Satan. For the uprights, they had nothing to fear from what is set to come out in full.


Human Witness account

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Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Proin eget tortor risus. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus.

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Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui.